Abundance and distribution of marine mammals and their relationship with prey availability. Antar XXVI, austral summer 2019
Mamíferos Marinos, Cetáceos, Antártida, Krill, Distribución, Estrecho de Bransfield, BallenasAbstract
Our goal is to determine the abundance and distribution of marine mammals and their relationship with prey availability and environmental conditions in the Bransfield Strait and surrounding areas of Elephant Island during the ANTAR XXVI Expedition, from December 31st to January 15th. Two observers made sightings from the BAP (Peruvian Army Vessel) Carrasco´s bridge deck during daylight (06:00 – 22:00), following a track determined by Imarpe. A total of 323 cetaceans were sighted; of four species identified, the most abundant was the humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae, with 134 sightings, and 207 individuals. The other identified species were: fin whale Balaenoptera physalus (31 sightings, 49
individuals), long-finned pilot whale Globicephala melas (1 sighting, 25 individuals), and killer whale Orcinus orca (1 sighting, 2 individuals). Humpback whales were mainly aggregated in the Bransfield Strait, associated with shorter distances from the coast and dispersed krill presence, whilst fin whales
were recorded in the surroundings of Elephant Island, associated with higher sea surface temperatures, depth, and larger volumes of euphausiids.
Alternative Metrics
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