Trophic ecology of Dosidicus gigas off the peruvian coast (2015-2019)
Dosidicus gigas, stomach contents, trophic spectrum, niche breadth, trophic levelAbstract
This study aimed to examine the diet and feeding habits of Dosidicus gigas along the Peruvian coast, exploring variations based on body size, geographic factors, and year. Additionally, it sought to determine the species’ niche breadth and trophic level between 2015 and 2019. A total of 954 stomachs from specimens collected during Imarpe research cruises during that period were analyzed. The trophic spectrum included 51 prey items across four major taxa: Crustacea, Teleostei, Cephalopoda, and Gastropoda. Euphausiids, particularly Nyctiphanes simplex, were the dominant prey from 2015 to 2016, with their significance peaking in 2016. From 2017 to 2019, Vinciguerria lucetia emerged as the most important prey, confirming its prevalence in the Peruvian coastal ecosystem. Annual shifts in primary prey were linked to prey availability and accessibility, which in turn were influenced by environmental conditions. Spatial differences in diet were apparent, with proximity to the coast being the most significant factor affecting prey composition, while mantle length (ML) and year played minor roles. Feeding strategies varied over time, transitioning from individual specialization (2015–2018) to a mixed strategy combining specialist and generalist tendencies in 2019, with a preference for three key prey species. D. gigas was identified as a top predator (trophic level, TL=4.2) feeding on both oceanic and neritic species, with its TL increasing with mantle length. Annual variations in TL were attributed to changes in prey availability and accessibility.
Alternative Metrics
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