Ichthyoplankton, euphausiids, and zooplankton biovolumes in the Peruvian sea (winterspring 2015)


  • Elda Pinedo Instituto del Mar del Perú. Dirección General de Investigaciones en Oceanografía y Cambio Climático https://orcid.org/0009-0008-4520-3449
  • Patricia Ayón Instituto del Mar del Perú. Dirección General de Investigaciones en Oceanografía y Cambio Climático https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5997-741X




Engraulis ringens, Nyctiphanes simplex, Zooplankton biovolumen, Winter-spring 2015


This paper presents the results from the analysis of zooplankton samples collected during the Hydroacoustic Pelagic Resources Cruise 1508-10, conducted from August 20 to October 8, 2015, spanning from Punta Sal to Morro Sama. We identified eggs and larvae from 37 families and
51 species of ichthyoplankton. Engraulis ringens eggs and larvae were the most abundant, ranging from 3 to 14,640 eggs.m-2 and from 3 to 1,743 larvae.m-2. The primary spawning areas were along the coastal zone from Pimentel to San Juan de Marcona and off Mollendo. Additionally, there were significant larval concentrations within the continental shelf between Malabrigo and Supe. V. lucetia also showed noticeable abundances, ranging from 3 to 3,078 eggs.m-2 and from 3 to 342 larvae.m-2, distributed beyond the continental shelf. A total of 13 species of euphausiids were identified, with Nyctiphanes simplex being the most abundant and frequent species, found from Punta Sal to San Juan de Marcona. Zooplankton biovolumes ranged from 0.010 to 3.014 mL.m-3, with biovolumes less than 0.255 mL.m-3 being more prevalent (47 %), primarily in the coastal zone. The abundance and distribution of these groups were closely linked to the environmental conditions observed during the cruise.


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How to Cite

Pinedo, E., & Ayón, P. (2023). Ichthyoplankton, euphausiids, and zooplankton biovolumes in the Peruvian sea (winterspring 2015). Boletin Instituto Del Mar Del Perú, 38(2), 195–214. https://doi.org/10.53554/boletin.v38i2.387

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