Evaluación de la población de merluza y otras especies demersales en el área pto. Pizarro-Chimbote


  • Manuel Samamé Instituto del Mar del Perú
  • Marco Espino Sánchez Instituto del Mar del Perú
  • Julia Castillo Instituto del Mar del Perú
  • Armando Mendieta Instituto del Mar del Perú
  • Uldrich Damm Instituto del Mar del Perú


Puerto Pizarro, Puerto Chimbote, Condiciones Oceanograficas, Oceanografia


The main resulta for the area from Pto. Pizarro to Chimbote, in depths of 20- to 200 m, were: The largest demersal fish concentrations were found north of Salaverry where the oxygen content at the bottom was more than 0.6 m1/1. Total demersal fish biomass was calculated as 2 million metric tons of which 0.8 million tons were hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) followed by vocador or cabrilla voladora (Prionotus stephanophrys, cabrilla(Paralabrax humeralis), doncella (Hemanthias peruanus) and congrios(Genypterus spp). The necessity of improving the evaluation methods to inlude a better estimatíon of the efficiency factors needed for swept area models is poínted out. The oceanographic conditions of the area were considered normal wíth favourable temperatures due to intense upwelling.


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How to Cite

Samamé, M., Espino Sánchez, . M., Castillo, J., Mendieta, A., & Damm, U. (1983). Evaluación de la población de merluza y otras especies demersales en el área pto. Pizarro-Chimbote. Boletin Instituto Del Mar Del Perú, 7(5), 115–191. Retrieved from https://revistas.imarpe.gob.pe/index.php/boletin/article/view/227