. Particulate matter fluxes and formation of a sediment sheet on the inner continental shelf off Callao during the 2017 coastal El Niño
Paleoceanografia, Paleoclimatología, Sedimentos, Sedimentos marinos, CallaoAbstract
Mechanical and automatic sediment traps were installed in Callao Bay, during the 2017 coastal El Niño (2017 CEN), at depths of 30 and 40 m, respectively, to obtain samples and information on the particulate matter fluxes in the benthic subsystem. The first one recorded accumulation equivalent to 6.46 cm/year. The latter collected 8.777,9 mg.m-2day-1, between March 20 and 29, 2017, resulting from the maximum inputs of the Rímac River. In the shallow area, where the traps were located, and to 96 m deep, undisturbed sediment cores (collected between 2017 and 2018) were used to determine i) the organic content of the first centimeter of sediment during and after the maximum fluvial inputs from the river to the bay and, ii) changes in sediment
structure as well as terrigenous content in the sediments, using the gray level of the sediment core radiographs.
These sediment cores showed accumulation of up to 4 cm as well as bioturbation effects and erosion by currents. A 1 cm thick, light olive to olive-brown colored sheet with high total carbon to total nitrogen (TC/TN) ratio (12.19 in February, 10.26 in April) was formed and preserved at a depth of 94 m. This denotes the land origin of the organic matter in contrast to the TC/TN ratio of 4.88 found in August. The high content of terrigenous particles (which is associated with the light color of this sheet) is explained by the contribution of sediments carried by the extraordinary flows of the Rímac River. We can apply the information obtained from proxies such as the thickness of this lamina formed during 2017 CEN and its characteristics preserved in the shelf mud layer, influenced by the Oxygen Minimum Zone, to calibrate proxies for the reconstruction of historical fluvial erosion events caused by heavy rainfall in the Rímac River basin.
Alternative Metrics
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