Microphytoplankton in summer 2009. Inter-specific characteristics and associations. R/V. Olaya, R/V Humboldt and Imarpe VI


  • Sonia Sánchez Instituto del Mar del Perú
  • Patricia Villanueva Instituto del Mar del Perú


Plankton biomass, Microphytoplankton, Biological indicators, Summer 2009


Plankton volume varied between 0.075 and 7.243 mL.m-3 resulting in a mean value of 0.6 mL.m-3. Phytoplankton predominated in 39% of stations within 30 nm of the coast, between Punta Falsa and Punta Caballas. SST oscillated between 14.9 and 27.5 °C. Protoperidinium obtusum (CCW) was located within 30 nm, from Punta La Negra to San Juan de Marcona. Ceratium praelongum (SSW) was recorded north of 60 nm on the Punta La Negra and Malabrigo profiles, while Ceratium breve (SEW) was located from Punta Sal to Paita, outside 30 nm.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, S., & Villanueva, P. (2019). Microphytoplankton in summer 2009. Inter-specific characteristics and associations. R/V. Olaya, R/V Humboldt and Imarpe VI. Boletin Instituto Del Mar Del Perú, 34(1), 49–60. Retrieved from https://revistas.imarpe.gob.pe/index.php/boletin/article/view/8

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