Modelling of the climatological circulation in Pisco Bay


  • Carlos Yvan Romero Instituto del Mar del Perú. Dirección General de Investigaciones en Oceanografía y Cambio Climático
  • Jorge Tam Instituto del Mar del Perú. Dirección General de Investigaciones en Oceanografía y Cambio Climático



Afloramiento, Corriente marina, Oceanografia, Bahía de Pisco


Pisco Bay is located in an area in which the upwelling persistently manifests throughout the year due to the magnitude of the wind near its coast, with greater intensity in winter and spring, which makes it possible the existence of a wide coastal area that is very productive and rich in nutrients. This area and its adjacent islands present a great diversity of fishing resources for direct human consumption, thus has a great importance for the artisanal fishery of Peru. In this work, the modeling of Pisco Bay was performed by using the Regional Ocean Model (ROMS) and the ROMS2ROMS tool in order to simulate the marine circulation and spatial distribution of the main sub-mesoscale oceanographic variables in the selected bay. To achieve this, the results of a simulation of the Humboldt Current System at a regional scale (~ 12 km) were used as boundary conditions to perform a dynamic downscaling using the ROMS2ROMS tool to obtain the required spatial resolution (~ 1 km). The model reproduced the seasonal cycle of SST in the bay, with some differences between the intensity of the simulated and observed SST. In addition, it was found that the speed of the currents goes in a north-west direction with greater intensity to the south and west of the Paracas peninsula, reaching its highest values in spring (22.5 cm/s) and the lowest in summer (7.5 cm/s).


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How to Cite

Romero, C. Y., & Tam, J. (2022). Modelling of the climatological circulation in Pisco Bay. Boletin Instituto Del Mar Del Perú, 37(1), 175–190.

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