Time series analysis of coastal-trapped waves and satellite chlorophyll-a in the Humboldt Current ecosystem
Clorofila-a, Ecosistema, Corriente de Humboldt, AfloramientoAbstract
Physical processes impact ocean dynamics and primary productivity of marine ecosystems, particularly within the Eastern Boundary Upwelling System (EBUS). Thus, our work presents a statistical analysis between physical dynamics and primary productivity. Therefore, we studied a 200 km wide coastal strip along the Peruvian coast, within the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem (NHCE) between 2008 and 2015. We applied Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) and wavelet analyses to reduce the dimensionality of the data and characterize the temporal variability. The results showed that the first Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF1) of mean sea level (MSL) accounts for more than 76% of the variance along the coast. The wavelet analysis indicated that the frequency of identifying coastal-trapped waves (CTW) was about 53 days. The speed of the CTW was estimated at ~1.9 m.s-1, so it takes about 10 days to pass along the Peruvian coast. Regarding sea surface temperature (SST), EOF1 explains 68% of the total variance. For chlorophyll-a (CHLO), EOF1 showed greater variability within the influence of CTW. A good relationship was found between CTWs passage and SST, although for CHLO, despite having energetic peaks within the range of CTW propagation, the cross-correlation showed a lag of 4 days, with a correlation of 0.2. Therefore, the variability of the CHLO is affected by other physical processes o ccurring between 30 and 60 days.
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