Zooplankton biovolumes, distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton, euphausiids, and cephalopod paralarvae (summer 2020)


  • Ximena Orosco Instituto del Mar del Perú. Dirección General de Investigaciones en Oceanografía y Cambio Climático https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1194-8262




Biovolumes, Ichthyoplankton, Euphausiids, Paralarvae, Engraulis ringens


In the summer of 2020, zooplankton biovolumes ranged from 0.005 to 3.118 mL.m-3, with a median of 0.468 mL.m-3. The highest values were observed in the oceanic zone off the north-central coast of Peru, stretching from Punta Sal to Salaverry. Among the ichthyoplankton, the dominant families were Phosichthyidae (60.9 %), Myctophidae (56.2 %), and Engraulidae (43.8 %). Especially, Vinciguerria lucetia eggs (53.8 %) and larvae (52.3 %) were the most frequently observed. Engraulis ringens eggs were the most abundant, reaching densities of up to 44,802 eggs.m-2. These concentrations were primarily found in the coastal regions off Punta La Negra, Malabrigo, and north of Huacho. However, the larvae were less densely populated within the continental shelf, spanning from Punta La Negra to Chimbote. Among euphausiids, adult Euphausia eximia (23.3 %) and E. mucronata (22.5 %) were prevalent, alongside juveniles of Stylocheiron affine (18.6 %). The most abundant euphausiids were adult and juvenile E. lamelligera, with population densities of 7,929 and 8,829 ind.m-2, respectively. Cephalopod paralarvae, Argonauta spp. (810 ind.m-2) and Abraliopsis sp. (186 ind.m-2) were the most frequent and abundant species, respectively.


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How to Cite

Orosco, X. (2023). Zooplankton biovolumes, distribution and abundance of ichthyoplankton, euphausiids, and cephalopod paralarvae (summer 2020). Boletin Instituto Del Mar Del Perú, 38(2), 284–302. https://doi.org/10.53554/boletin.v38i2.392