Surface oceanographic conditions, zooplankton, ichthyoplankton, and euphausiids in the northern Peruvian sea (Autumn 2020)
Oceanografia, Zooplancton, IctioplanctonAbstract
Our work aims to provide information on sea surface oceanographic conditions, zooplankton biovolumes,
ichthyoplankton composition, and euphausiid distribution between Puerto Pizarro and Pimentel - Chicama,
up to 50 nm offshore, in autumn 2020. Tropical Surface Waters (TSW), within 15 nm off Puerto Pizarro, and
Equatorial Surface Waters (ESW), between Talara and Punta Sal, occurred throughout this zone. The Cold
Coastal Waters (CCW) were within the 15 nm strip from Paita to Chicama and mixing waters (SSW+CCW)
were observed south of Paita. Dissolved oxygen values greater than 5.0 mL/L were associated with the
presence of the TSW, ESW, and SSW. Zooplankton biovolumes ranged from 1.0 to 23.0 mL/sample. From
Talara to the north of Punta Sal, values of 10.1 to 20.0 mL/sample were more frequent (48%). Zooplankton
biovolumes ranged from 1.0 to 23.0 mL/sample. From Talara to the north of Punta Sal, values of 10.1 to 20.0 mL/
sample were more frequent (48%). Regarding ichthyoplankton, eggs belonging to the family Synodontidae
and Engraulidae larvae were the most frequent (56%). Engraulis ringens eggs and larvae were homogeneously
distributed between Mórrope and Talara; Vinciguerria lucetia eggs and larvae were distributed between Paita
and Puerto Pizarro. We determined six species and 3 genera of mesopelagic fish larvae such as myctophids,
of which the species Diogenichthys laternatus was the most frequent and abundant. Merluccius gayi peruanus
eggs and larvae were also found in small concentrations. As for euphausiids, the most frequent species was
Nictyphanes simplex (68%) in adult and juvenile stages, followed by Euphausia lamelligera and E. mucronata
(20%). There was a predominance of calyptopis and furcilia stages, which are evidence of the reproductive
process of this group.
Alternative Metrics
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